List of Publications

Here is the list of My publications

(Article) FG Awla, SR Safar, JH Ade, SA Abdullah. 2023. Investigation of the Impact of Technology on the Written Production of EFL Learners in Iraqi Kurdistan. Journal of Language Studies 6 (4, 2), 95-104.           

(Article) SA Abdullah, RM Mustafa, IA Abdullah, HA Muhammad, SI Ahmed. 2022. Difficulties in Translating Kurdish Sport Collocations into English by Kurdish Translators. Twejer 5 (3), 1275-1314           

(Article) HAM, SA Abdullah. 2020. Spelling Errors in MA Theses by Non-Native English Speakers in Kurdistan Region of Iraq: A Corpus-Based Study. Twejer 3 (1), 1007-1036.

(Article) FG Awla, SR Safar, JH Ade, SA Abdullah. 2023. Investigation of the Impact of Technology on the Written Production of EFL Learners in Iraqi Kurdistan. Journal of Language Studies 6 (4, 2), 95-104

(Book Translation) HA Muhammad, SH Najim, SA Abdullah, SA Ghafour. 2023. 2000 Tips for Teachers. Fam Publishing.

(Thesis) Shamal A. Abdullah. 2020. A Corpus-Based Study of Linguistic Errors in Non-Native Academic Works at Public Universities in Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Soran University.

(Conference) SA Abdullah; AD Bazvand. 2018. A Contrastive Corpus-Based Analysis of Epistemic Modality in Academic Discourse by Native and Non-Native English Writers. The 16th International TELLSI Conference on Futurology of English Language.