List of Publications

Here is the list of My publications

(Article) Ibrahim, S.Q.F. and Abdullah, S.A., 2024. Student-Centered Method in the Higher Education System of the Kurdistan Region: Soran University as an Example. Journal of Education and Teaching (JET), 5(2), pp.248-270. 

(Article) FG Awla, SR Safar, JH Ade, SA Abdullah. 2023. Investigation of the Impact of Technology on the Written Production of EFL Learners in Iraqi Kurdistan. Journal of Language Studies 6 (4, 2), 95-104.           

(Article) SA Abdullah, RM Mustafa, IA Abdullah, HA Muhammad, SI Ahmed. 2022. Difficulties in Translating Kurdish Sport Collocations into English by Kurdish Translators. Twejer 5 (3), 1275-1314           

(Article) HAM, SA Abdullah. 2020. Spelling Errors in MA Theses by Non-Native English Speakers in Kurdistan Region of Iraq: A Corpus-Based Study. Twejer 3 (1), 1007-1036.

(Article) FG Awla, SR Safar, JH Ade, SA Abdullah. 2023. Investigation of the Impact of Technology on the Written Production of EFL Learners in Iraqi Kurdistan. Journal of Language Studies 6 (4, 2), 95-104

(Book Translation) HA Muhammad, SH Najim, SA Abdullah, SA Ghafour. 2023. 2000 Tips for Teachers. Fam Publishing.

(Thesis) Shamal A. Abdullah. 2020. A Corpus-Based Study of Linguistic Errors in Non-Native Academic Works at Public Universities in Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Soran University.

(Conference) SA Abdullah; AD Bazvand. 2018. A Contrastive Corpus-Based Analysis of Epistemic Modality in Academic Discourse by Native and Non-Native English Writers. The 16th International TELLSI Conference on Futurology of English Language.